Giving one’s own life

I learned in a TV documentary about the life of Peter Norman. He was part of an historic moment at the 1968 Summer Olympic Games. Two black American men, Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their right arms high with their fists clenched tightly. Norman, a white Australian joined in. The three men suffered the same fate within their respective countries, reprisal. Their athletic careers were forever damaged. The documentary revealed one of the Americans pointing out Norman and saying this about him,"Man, I would give my life for this man. Really! Right now, if I had to."

A noble attitude from a human perspective, no doubt.

However, what if Peter Norman wasn’t a good man? What if he was found out later as a bad person? (That was not the case)

For a good person, maybe we would be willing to suffer. But for someone who is evil…then, not so much…

This gives us a glimpse of the greatness of God’s love in Jesus Christ, who gave up his own life while we were still sinners. We were far away, removed from his sight, we were not good. But now, through faith we are close, forgiven. We are friends with him. More than that, we are sons of God, through this same faith (Biblical book of Romans, chapter 5). This is much more than solidarity or noble attitude. It is deep love, new beginning, life.

When we feel down, tired, doubting if someone is still on our side we may remember: if God has so loved us as we were still his enemies, what can we say now that we are his close friends, nothing less than sons of the Father? We keep on running in our races, knowing what will be the outcome and assured of the courage and consideration of the One who gave his own life for Peter Norman, for the blacks, for the whites; for all.  

He who also is the power that propels thoughts and actions.

Rev. Lucas André Albrecht
Chaplain at Ulbra, Parish Pastor at “St. Paul”,
Canoas ,RS, Brazil

Rev. Paulo S. Albrecht
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Text  revision
Ms. Kim Starr
MA Practical Theology & Deaconess Certified
Wisconsin, US


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