
Some are written on rock, some on sand. They may involve material goods, finances. Professional or educational plans. Family, personal, existential…Plans! Even though we might not write them down on paper, somehow, we end up making plans, which we expect to fulfill in the year we have ahead of us.

But, what if none of them comes true?

Don’t worry; I don’t want that for you. I do wish you make them all happen. But there always is the possibility of one or two, some of them, or even all of them, go wrong. And then, what happens?

Then, there is no reason for despair, anxiety or excessive frustration. Even our best plans might not be exactly the best for our life. This, only God knows. It is important to remember that they might go wrong. At the same time, we should never forget that The Plan always works: God’s Plan. For He knows, always, what is best.

Successful was his plan of bringing back to himself the human being, in Jesus Christ. Successful are his promises and plans for our lives: always the right thing for what we need, even though it might not be exactly what our planning envisioned. And it will always be so.

I do wish that your plans come true. But I wish even harder that you remain steadfast in your faith in Christ, trusting that at every step you take, when in faith in him, He watches and guides you by his love. Thus, you can begin the New Year with the assurance that your life is part of God’s plan.

And this plan - we already know -, never fails!

Rev. Lucas André Albrecht

Rev. Paulo S. Albrecht
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Text revision
Ms. Kim Starr
MA Practical Theology & Deaconess Certified
Wisconsin, US


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