At work

Men at work.

What do you think when you see that sign?  A detour ahead. Traffic jam. Time lost.  This kind of nuisance can be caused by the: electric company, road work, addition to a hospital, construction to a new building. Even the sidewalk may be dug up causing foot and road traffic issues.

What do we do when this happens? Complain, of course. We get really irate if the very same work has been done before. We are so convinced that nothing is to stop our routine!!

However, today's repairs will be tomorrow's benefits. How so? When the "men at work" sign is gone then the sidewalk is fixed, the hospital has a new addition for care, the electricity is working better than ever. Our routine is actually made easier.

"The Man At Work" in our lives changes things, too. Causes our routine to be altered. And, what do we do? Complain, of course, We don't understand His benefit to our lives. And, we don't remain silent to learn what it is. We question. We complain. We grumble. We only know that our routine is not the same as it was and we don't like that. His Work will reap benefits in us and for time.

That's okay. The Man At Work, Jesus Christ, understands our lack of patience. He does The Work in us anyway. He does the maintenance, the rebuilding, the new construction every time we need it. That's because He never tires of The Work. And, it is always for our good. While doing His Work He draws us closer to Him welcoming our tired and complaining hearts to trust The Work. His plan is to help us remember that His Saving Work was done once. Yet His continued Work is to draw us closer and closer to Him.

Then, as we face momentary nuisances and our impatience threatens the clarity of our vision, its always good to remember His loving sign:

"I Am Working For You."

Rev. Lucas André Albrecht
Chaplain at Ulbra, Parish Pastor at “St. Paul”,
Canoas ,RS, Brazil

Text revision:
Ms. Kim Starr
MA Practical Theology & Deaconess Certified


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