
"You know, pastor, looking back I understand. No doubt...it was God!"

I heard this from a friend who went through hard times a while ago. Times of doubt, sorrow. A real down turn. Now, she's back. But, not only this, she reaffirmed her confidence that things happen in the right time. That is, God's time.

It's so good to hear such a witness!  This shows what we already know from the mouth of God...everything is in His hands. Not ours. We are not usually willing to accept things we don't understand. We long to know "why?"  Measuring the facts and consequences with our limited understanding. It's far better to rest in His embrace. This will show us that He was present and loving through it all.

God uses many ways to make our hearts listen. He knows what we need to hear. There are different ways with the same certainty: Jesus Christ is always guiding our feet by faith in love and justice. This encouragement leaves no doubt. As my friend said, "It was God."  It is God!

And will always be.

Rev. Lucas André Albrecht
Chaplain at Ulbra, Parish Pastor at “St. Paul”,
Canoas ,RS, Brazil

Text revision:
Ms. Kim Starr
MA Practical Theology & Deaconess Certified


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